غير مصنف

Scrabble of life
Dr. José Luis López
Puerto Rico

Scrabble of life
Dr. José Luis López
Puerto Rico

S/earching in our infinite minds
C/ease everything it might have been contaminated
R/apture the possible of invisible threats
A/cquire proper elements of evaluation
B/looming like the morning flower
B/oost the optimal part of sunlight
L/ayers have been traced to colour the vision pursuit
E/mbrace that information of the miraculous encounter with unknown

O/bservers are attending the genius manifesting of wisdom
F/ierce and courageous are the warriors of intelligence

L/oyalty is perception actively established on everything
I/ntegration of optimism humans to overcome hurdles
F/abulous artsy are there to improve quality scenes of authenticity
E/xpectations solely welcome aboard to unify the world and majestic outcome

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